Safeguard your property’s long-term value

Advice, construction coordination and financing services from a single source.

Your investment property
Is your building still in a contemporary condition?
We are your 360° real estate experts
We provide you with comprehensive support throughout Switzerland, from analysis and planning to commissioning.
We unleash the potential of your property
Together, we will make your project fly and sustainably increase the value of your property through renovation measures.a

What sets us apart

We’re the right service provider for real estate projects aimed at value enhancement. Our mission is to identify and develop your property’s structural and operational potential.

Data is the key. We’ll be happy to handle the rest for you – entirely in line with your wishes.

Our service packages

Be part of something bigger

Our butterfly – Papilio – doesn’t just represent potential unleashed. It also stands for transformation, the path to the future. Promoting climate-neutral construction and energy-efficient operation is precisely that.

Draw on our expertise. Recommending sustainable measures is in our DNA.

We can also make your project fly

  • Interested? Register now and enter your property details to benefit from our service packages.
  • Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us. Please send your enquiry to [email protected]